's exhibited models cover both hybrid and pure electric power technologies. Wärend der Show, Dongfeng huet de Start vum éischte rengem Elektresch Sedan d'jonk Konsumenten an 2024 zouginn.
Vun enger neier Auskudd MEPPT MPV mam Opfroch vun enger Opmierksamkeet während der Pressekonferenz. It is a globally developed model, a luxurious flagship-level MPV equipped with advanced plug-in hybrid technology – Dongfeng Mach Super Hybrid. Et huet eng Industrie-féierend thermesch Effizienz vu 45,18%, liwwert déi ënnescht Brennstoffverbrauch an der héchster Klass a senger Klass. Ausserdeem bitt Iech schonn Zäitraum a Funktiounen «Features luxuriéisen Themen konstitutionanten wéi Avident-Klass Saiten a méi Smartir.
During the press conference, Mr. You Zheng, member of the company's party committee, deputy general manager, and chairman of Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor, stated that in the wave of new energy vehicle development, Dongfeng Corporation is targeting new opportunities and striving to promote the transition of new energy and intelligent driving. Bis 2024 gouf den Haaptgrond vun der Autonomer Passagunge Gefierer méi wéi 100% méi. As an important force in Dongfeng's autonomous passenger vehicle sector, Dongfeng Forthing is a vital advocate for the development of Dongfeng's autonomous brand. Forthing will also customize the development of new energy vehicle models for European users, working with partners to explore broader market space. With an open mindset and a global perspective, Forthing will forge a sustainable upward path, aiming to create a stronger and better Chinese automotive brand.
Email:admin@dflzm-forthing.com dflqali@dflzm.com
Adress: 286, Pinghanho Avenue, Lyzhou, Guangxi, China
Postzäit: Sep-06-2023